Rated 4.9/5 by hundreds of happy customers.
  • Deep Gray Gold
  • Frost Silver
Gevi GrindMaster Ultimate Stepless Coffee Grinder-SSP (HU) &Digital Scale
Gevi GrindMaster Ultimate Stepless Coffee Grinder-SSP (HU) &Digital Scale
Gevi GrindMaster Ultimate Stepless Coffee Grinder-SSP (HU) &Digital Scale
Gevi GrindMaster Ultimate Stepless Coffee Grinder-SSP (HU) &Digital Scale
Gevi GrindMaster Ultimate Stepless Coffee Grinder-SSP (HU) &Digital Scale
Gevi GrindMaster Ultimate Stepless Coffee Grinder-SSP (HU) &Digital Scale
Gevi GrindMaster Ultimate Stepless Coffee Grinder-SSP (HU) &Digital Scale
Gevi GrindMaster Ultimate Stepless Coffee Grinder-SSP (HU) &Digital Scale
Gevi GrindMaster Ultimate Stepless Coffee Grinder-SSP (HU) &Digital Scale
Gevi GrindMaster Ultimate Stepless Coffee Grinder-SSP (HU) &Digital Scale
Gevi GrindMaster Ultimate Stepless Coffee Grinder-SSP (HU) &Digital Scale
Better coffee is all in the beans. And the right grinder can unlock flavors you never knew were there. Most home grinders only offer limited control over your grind level, speed, and burr choice, and leaving half the flavor still trapped in your beans – or leaving old grounds stuck in the burrs and spouts through retention.
It's time for a change, and that's why we've introduced the Gevi Grandmaster.
Limitless Customization, Your Coffee, Your Way

Stepless grinding lets you play with precise adjustments and endless combinations of fine or coarse grinds. Wider RPM adjustment delves the most intricate flavor out of beans. It works flawlessly with a world of 64mm flat burrs (also supports SSP burrs!), making it perfectly caters to your needs.
Such adjustments require top-tier grinding power. 

An onboard pre-breaker taps deeper flavors from every bean, unleashing the full potential of the burrs. The powerful 400W BLDC motor ensures smooth and consistent grind. 64mm commercial-level flat burrs ensure consistent grinding quality and preserve the original flavors.
Whether compared to coffee grinders in the $500, $1000, or even $1500 price range, our machine holds its own without compromise. It excels in motor performance, even surpassing many higher-priced alternatives. High-end features such as plasma generator and prebreaker, which are typically found on grinders priced over $1,000, are now available from GrindMaster at a price lower than $500.
Over the past weeks we invited early supporters who subscribed to GrindMaster campaign to join Beta Tester program and provide us with authentic feedback on the stepless version. Their comments and reviews have been extraordinary. As more feedback is submitted, this section will be updated.
Here are videos from Zach on making espresso, AeroPress and pour-over with GrindMaster:
In another video, Zach compared GrindMaster to similar grinders that start at a price exceeding $650. With a more favorable price, GrindMaster performs extremely well in terms of ground particle consistency, flavor extraction, and noise level during grinding.
Also, we had Alex and Derek conduct in-depth reviews of our Grindmaster, and both of them provided highly positive feedback on its build quality and workflow.
Join our community to watch more reviews and engage with the beta testers who have experienced the stepless version of GrindMaster firsthand. Get immediate answers to your questions.
We invited YouTube creators in the coffee industry to test GrindMaster, and they all praised its coffee grinding capabilities. Just search "Gevi GrindMaster" on YouTube and you can find many amazing reviews! We have more reviews coming up, please stay tuned.
The renowned YouTuber, Lifestyle Lab, who previously tested the initial version of our GrindMaster, has now conducted a review of our latest version as well. In his video, he mentioned, "...this grinder has always been competitive with a good burr set, RPM control, active anti-static and a pretty striking design." Please click on the video below to learn more about the upgrades and his assessment of these improvements.
Another reputable reviewer, Our Coffee Shelter, has conducted rigorous trials including grinding light roast beans, marker tests for burr alignment, dial setting experiments for espresso extraction, and an SSP burr swap, and the results were outstanding! 

Watch the captivating video review by Our Coffee Shelter for an in-depth analysis and to witness the latest upgraded GrindMaster in action!
Stepped grinders limit your imagination and keep you tied to a handful of fixed grind settings, unable to grind for espresso that requires high-level of precise control in grinding size. But Gevi GrindMaster lets you dial in on your ideal grind size with its stepless settings.
Whether you need fine grinds to max out taste in an espresso, or a coarse grind to bring full-bodied flavor to a French press, you’ll get greater precision and the freedom to unlock the flavors that hide between settings.
To meet the high demands of espresso grinding, we have upgraded the thread pitch to 0.5mm, reducing the burr gap between each step to 5µm. This gap is 50% shorter than other high-end, stepless grinders priced over $1200. A shorter burr gap results in a broader range for espresso grinding, offering users more precise control over particle size.
It’s incredible – how the same beans tell a different story just by changing your grind speed. Lower speeds maintain more of their delicate flavor. Meanwhile, hitting your beans at high speed can release deeper aromas and unlock a bolder taste.
That’s why GrindMaster gives you 11 different grinding speeds – a breakthrough for home coffee grinders. This allows you to explore your own extraction techniques to get different flavor profiles.
Let's take a closer look at Gevi Orion burr first: 

Whether you prefer the precision of pour-over or the rich intensity of espresso, the dual-purpose Orion burrs deliver excellent performance on every cup. It features titanium and obsidian coating that reduces the heat generated during grinding and preserves the original flavors.
Some youtubers also reviewed this burr and gave it a very high rating.
The Gevi Grindmaster features a powerful 400W BLDC (Brushless Direct Current) motor. that offers unparalleled 5N·m torque. It it 2 times more powerful than other grinders and can grind ultra-hard lightly roasted beans with low RPM smoothly.
GrindMaster’s built-in pre-breaker works by cracking your beans before they enter the grinding chamber, giving your burrs a larger canvas to grind so they can scrape out deeper layers of flavor from every bean.
That gives you more consistent grinds and even flavors, while enhancing the power of your burrs.
GrindMaster is made for both home and commercial use, with the robust performance to keep up with non-stop cafe orders, and the simplicity to suit a Sunday morning espresso in your bath robe.
The GrindMaster features a dual-step anti-retention structure. The first step is the vertical burrs and spout design, allowing coffee grounds to be completely pushed out of the grinding chamber , minimizing residue.
The second step is the plasma anti-static technology, preventing grounds from accumulating around the spout, allowing them to fall vertically without clumping. This eliminates the hassle of manual "knocking" or "RDT", making the whole grinding process smoother.
GrindMaster is made for those who like to be hands on. Unlike most grinders, it features a chamber that’s easy to take apart tool free, so you can clean it by hand any time and keep it running in tip-top condition.
The magnetic design of the dosing cup and scale make them a team that’s easy to keep together. The digital scale weighs coffee beans, grounds, and your pours with precision so every cup tastes right. The cup rims work well with various portafilters, making it easy to work with when you’re crafting an espresso.
Coffee grinders aren’t known for their quiet grace. But we designed GrindMaster to keep a low profile even at high speeds. That’s all thanks to its brushless motor keeping decibels down even while RPMs ramp up.
Inspired by the Greek columns of the Parthenon, GrindMaster is as much a decorative piece as a grinding powerhouse. Its timeless metal cantilever design and golden ratio structure bring style to any cafe, while earning it a place on the most modern kitchen counters.
GrindMaster’s bean hopper is specially designed to give you better control of your bean flow, preventing bean jumping during pours and keeping every grind under control.
When it comes to buttons, less is more. We combined the GrindMaster’s Power and Speed controls into one dial, making it effortlessly simple to use. Because the only press you should be focused on is the French kind.
Here is the specification table for our product, which includes key technical specifications and performance indicators. Please refer to the table below for more detailed information.
Gevi GrindMaster is available in two color options, Deep Gray Gold and Frost Silver. After selecting the perk, there is a color option
Gevi GrindMaster provides users with 2 types of perks. If you don't know how to choose, you can refer to the following instructions. -Gevi Orion Burr is a multifunctional burr designed by Gevi. It works well with a wide range of coffee styles, including Espresso, Pour-over and French press. If you enjoy a wide variety of coffee types, while also valuing the cost-effectiveness of the burrs, we recommend choosing the Gevi Orion Burr. We also offer users the Dosing Cup with Digital Scale, which can make the grinding process smoother and eliminate the need for separate weighing of the coffee grounds. The price difference between the Dosing Cup with Digital Scale and the one without is $50.
Customs is included for global backers and shipping fee is covered for the U.S. backers For Canada, European Union, Australia, Korea, and Singapore, the shipping fee is $50. The shipping fee for the United Kingdom is $70. Backers from other countries and regions will see the specific shipping fee after entering their shipping address. 

 Due to the size of the product, and after providing a significant discount to our users, it is challenging for us to cover the entire shipping cost. However, we have already covered a significant portion of the shipping fee for our global backers.
We will match the plug and corresponding voltage based on the shipping country selected when you choose the perk. Please check the FAQ for more detailed information.